Key Points:

  • the boy is still an amateur, this is his first experience of him with DevOps
  • the boy lacks some social skills
  • the Startup CEO calls him
  • he got the task of migrating the stack from GCP to AWS
  • he returns confused and scared of not finding a solution
  • then he goes back home, locks the room door and Lay on the bed imagining the way

He was standing in front of the Nespresso machine, waiting for his daily caffeine fix, but his ears were inadvertently eavesdropping on the conversation of his two colleagues.

The page will take too long if you make that many requests to the backend

Shouldn’t we talk to the backend team to create one API to post all JSON data?" one colleague suggested.

He didn’t keep listening after he smelled the aroma of his coffee. He took his coffee and went back to his desk. As a Backend Developer, he scrolled up and down, examining the project’s code and searching for any opportunities for optimization or refactoring.

An hour passed, and he grew bored. He played the Spotify playlist “Lofi Electronic mix” and then slumped in his chair, wondering what life would be like after one year of professional experience. It was the smile on his face that reflected that he was moving closer to his dreams. That moment was the missing key to escaping boredom.

While wandering in his imagination, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He opened his eyes and saw the CTO in front of him. He was embarrassed and suddenly fell off the chair. The CTO laughed and asked if he was okay. He replied

Yeah, all good, thanks. I was thinking about some optimization, and I was closing my eyes to avoid getting distracted

Yep, sure. Sorry for disturbing you. Can I have a moment of your time to discuss something?" the CTO asked.

He followed him to the office, sat down, and waited for the CTO to finish sending the email. He couldn’t stop asking himself if he was going to be fired or not. His heart jumped out of fear. Then the CTO said,

I received an email from GCP (Google Cloud Platform) that they will not give us more credit after the next two months. So we thought of migrating to AWS since it gives us one year of free usage on some services. We can benefit from the wide range of services that it provides. I called you because I know you have some sort of Networking knowledge and skills as you worked with some projects on university, and I wanted to ask if you’re interested

To be honest with you, I dont have that much experience with AWS, but I just did basic configuration of  EC2 instances, that’s all.

Hmm, Understood, So are you willing to face more challenges and develop yourself on the cloud project ?

Okey, I think it will be a good experience to  prove myself and my skills, I’m In

Okay, sounds good. I will tell the backend senior that you moved to the DevOps team and send you the required tasks and GCP credentials

Can I ask who is with me on the team ?

No one, just you

He left the office, feeling a mix of curiosity and fear. He packed his laptop, put on his headphones, and walked back home.

As he walked through the door of his apartment, he took off his shoes and fell onto the couch. His mind was racing with thoughts about the upcoming project and the opportunity that lay ahead of him. He was excited about the prospect of working with AWS and learning more about DevOps.

He spent the rest of the evening researching AWS services and watching tutorials on how to use them. He was determined to be well-prepared for the task ahead. As the night wore on, he grew tired and went to bed, dreaming about the possibilities that awaited him