Oops...Etcd went down

Introduction with 1-Mistake On that shiny day, I got a project that required deploying a mongodb cluster, After a few searches, I found percona Operator, moved into installation section and copied the helm install command. After installing the required charts, I noticed that the pods weren’t in “running” state, so as a civilized kubernetes developer I ran “kubectl describe pod_name -n namespace”, and it turned out the problem was mongodb cluster requires either 3 or 5 nodes...

May 30, 2024 · 5 min · 887 words · Me

Deploying gitea into kubernetes with custom domain

Introudction Hello, lately I have been trying to deploy a custom Docker image into my local Kubernetes cluster. It turned out I needed to host my Docker image on a container registry, either Docker Hub, which is not suitable for my use case, or deploy and use a local registry. During my research, I found Gitea, which I liked as it allows me to deploy all my projects on it and also host the containers....

May 20, 2023 · 9 min · 1863 words · Me

GCP -> AWS Migration: Hide Your Secrets


May 19, 2023 · 1 min · word · Me

GCP -> AWS Migration: Confession

(Knock on the door) (door opens)(some background noise of the company like people shatter or talk) Yeah, Come In Hey Hey Hey, my Junior friend, have a seat. Thanks It’s been 2 weeks since I assigned you the project, how it’s going? Good, I’m doing good, I just finished a few tasks and as you asked about my progress. So, can you tell me how much progress you have made?...

April 25, 2023 · 5 min · 882 words · Me

GCP -> AWS Migration: Stress Swallows You

3 days passes, and I’m struggling on the same bug, Am I looking at the wrong side of the window, I don’t know, I think the best way to understand is going back and examine every command line and line of code I wrote. So at first, After I took the decision to use AWS copilot, I look at the task on JIRA, analyzed it carefully and saw the need to deploy application dependencies first, one of the dependencies is the database ....

April 20, 2023 · 4 min · 670 words · Me