Transform AWS Exam Generator Architecture to Open Source Part #5: Authentication and Emailing
Introduction In this article, we’re going to replace the Cognito Service, I choose the Kratos and Oathkeeper from Ory as alternative. The main functionalities of Congito here, is offering a way to sign in, sign up with or without SSO, email verification and use Sesssion Web Token for Frontend authorization. Here is the full architecture of authentication and authorization Don’t worry if didnt understand the architecture, we will dig deeper in the next headlines...

Transform AWS Exam Generator Architecture to Open Source Part #4: Exam Passing
Brief Description In this article, we create the passing part of the exam, the architecture is composed of: kubernetes service for Taking Exam UI. Knative service for taking exams. MongoDb for storing student answers. KafkaConnect to capture changed data on MongoDb and move it to a KafkaTopic. Knative service for calculating the scoreboard and send it into a topic. We will follow the same approach in the previous article, we tackle dependency-free services first....

Transform AWS Exam Generator Architecture to Open Source Part #3: Exam Generation
Brief description In this part we should talk about: Kafka topics and difference of deploying between zookeeper and kraft. Create Minio cluster and k8s jobs for adding event notification Knative installation and the invocation with Kafka topics. Hosting of generate-exam frontend in k8s services with ingress, subdomain and reference the WebSocket service. Current Stack I have a K8s cluster composed of three nodes (1 master, 2 control plane) with Talos as the running OS, MetalLB deployed as a load balancer combined with Nginx (nginx....

Transform AWS Exam Generator Architecture to Open Source Part #2: Research and Planning
Replacing services Phase In this article, we will pick this AWS architecture: “a serverless exam generator application for educator,” analyse it and find an open-source alternative solution for each service AWS provides, so if you are interested keep it up if you want to know more. To give a context of how architecture works: it starts with the educator reaching AWS Cognito to create an account either using social media account or a simple email and password....

Transform AWS Exam Generator Architecture to Open Source Part #1: Introduction
Introduction Have you thought of creating an AWS architecture but with open-source projects? In these articles, we will challenge ourselves and transform this AWS architecture: a serverless exam generator application for educators. The solution enables educators to instantly create curriculum-aligned assessments with minimal effort. Students can take personalised quizzes and get immediate feedback on their performance. We will transform and replace each service varying from Cognito, Lambda, DynamoDb, fargate…etc with its open-source counterpart and host it, where?...